In close collaboration with Seoul National University's Structural Complexity Laboratory


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The link from clicking on the paper title is (where consistent with publishers' copyright requirements) a link to the pre-publication form of the paper. If you want the authoritative, archival copy of the paper, please click on the 'link' button, which will take you to the publisher's website. If the link is red, unfortunately we are not (yet) able to supply a copy of the paper. We hope to eventually provide self-archived copies of most papers; at the moment, you may find more at the Structural Complexity Lab web pages.

Journal Papers

  1. Dong-Kyun Kim, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Robert McKay, Tae-Soo Chon, Gea-Jae Joo, Machine learning for predictive management: Short- and long-term prediction of phytoplankton biomass using genetic algorithm based recurrent neural network, International Journal of Environmental Research 6(1) 2012, Pp. 95 - 108Linkbibtex
  2. Yun-Geun Lee, Bob McKay, Kang-Il Kim, Dong-Kyun Kim, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, Investigating Vesicular Selection: A Selection Operator in In-Vitro Evolution, Applied Soft Computing 11(8) 2011, Pp. 5528-5550Linkbibtex
  3. Tuan Hao Hoang, R.I. (Bob) McKay, Daryl Essam, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, On Synergistic Interactions between Evolution, Development and Layered Learning, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 15(3) 2011, Pp. 287-312Linkbibtex
  4. Keehyung Kim, Hyukgeun Choi, RI (Bob) McKay, An Integrated Framework for Suspect Investigation, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools 20(2) 2011, Pp. 349-366Linkbibtex
  5. Arseniy V. Povolotskiy, Haisoo Shin, RI Bob McKay, Hexagonal Tortoise Problem Solving using Constraint Programming, Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications 38(1) 2011, Pp. 27-40Linkbibtex
  6. Nguyen Quang Uy, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, Michael O'Neill, R. I. McKay, Edgar Galván-Lopez, Semantically-based crossover in genetic programming: application to real-valued symbolic regression, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 12(2) 2011, Pp. 91-119Linkbibtex
  7. Dong-Kyun Kim, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Robert Ian (Bob) McKay, Tae-Soo Chon, Hyun-Woo Kim, Gea-Jae Joo, Model Development in Freshwater Ecology with a Case Study using Evolutionary Computation, Journal of Ecology and Field Biology 33(4) 2010, Pp. 275-288bibtex
  8. R.I. (Bob) McKay, N.X. Hoai, P.A. Whigham, Y. Shan, M. O'Neill, Grammar-based Genetic Programming: A Survey, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 11(3-4 (10th Anniversary Special Issue)) 2010, Pp. 365-396Linkbibtex
  9. Naoki Mori, Bob McKay, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, Daryl Essam, Saori Takeuchi, A New Method for Simplifying Algebraic Expressions in Genetic Programming Called Equivalent Decision Simplification, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 13(3) 2009, Pp. 237 - 244Linkbibtex
  10. Bo Liu, Juhui Pan, R I (Bob) McKay, Entropy-Based Metrics in Swarm Clustering, International Journal of Intelligent Systems 24(9) 2009, Pp. 989-1011Linkbibtex
  11. Byungho Min, Jinhyuck Kim, Chongyoun Choe, Hyeonsang Eom, Bob McKay, A Compound Framework for Sports Results Prediction: A Football Case Study, Knowledge Based Systems 21(7) 2008, Pp. 551-562Linkbibtex
  12. Bob McKay, Shu-Heng Chen, Xuan Hoai Nguyen, Genetic Programming: An emerging engineering tool, International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems 12(1) 2008, Pp. 1-2bibtex
  13. Tuan-Hao Hoang, Daryl Essam, RI (Bob) McKay, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, Developmental evaluation in Genetic Programming: The TAG-based frame work, International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems 12(1) 2008, Pp. 69-82Linkbibtex
  14. Nguyen, M H, Abbass, H A, McKay, R I (Bob), Analysis of CCME: Coevolutionary Dynamics, Automatic Problem Decomposition and Regularization, Systems, Man and Cybernetics C 38(1) 2008, Pp. 100-109Linkbibtex
  15. Nguyen, M H, Abbass, H A, McKay, R I (Bob), A Novel Mixture of Experts Model Based on Cooperative Coevolution, Neurocomputing 70(1-3) 2006, Pp. 155-163Linkbibtex
  16. McKay, R I (Bob), Hoang, T H, Mori, N, Nguyen, X H, Essam, D L, Model-Building with Interpolated Temporal Data, Ecological Informatics 1(3) 2006, Pp. 259-268Linkbibtex
  17. Shan, Y, Paull, D, McKay, R I (Bob), Machine Learning of Poorly Predictable Ecological Data, Ecological Modelling 195(1-2) 2006, Pp. 129-138Linkbibtex
  18. Nguyen, X H, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D L, Representation and Structural Difficulty in Genetic Programming, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 10(2) 2006, Pp. 157-166Linkbibtex
  19. Nguyen, M H, Abbass, H A, McKay, R I (Bob), Stopping Criteria for Ensembles of Artificial Neural Networks, Applied Soft Computing 6(1) 2005, Pp. 100-107Linkbibtex
  20. Liu, B, Abbass, H, McKay, R I (Bob), Classification Rule Discovery with Ant Colony Optimisation, IEEE Computational Intelligence Bulletin 3(1) 2004, Pp. 31-35Linkbibtex
  21. Cao, H Q, Yu, J, Kang, L S, McKay, R I (Bob), An Experimental Study of Some Control Parameters in Parallel Genetic Programming, Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations 11(4) 2003, Pp. 377-393Linkbibtex
  22. McKay, R I (Bob), Abbass, H A, Artificial Life: An Introduction, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 3(2) 2003, Pp. 143-144Linkbibtex
  23. McKay, R I (Bob), An Investigation of Fitness Sharing in Genetic Programming, The Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems 7(1/2) 2001, Pp. 43-51bibtex
  24. McKay, R I (Bob), Abbass, H.A, Anti-correlation: A Diversity Promoting Mechanism in Ensemble Learning, The Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems 7(3/4) 2001, Pp. 139-149bibtex
  25. Nguyen, X H, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D L, Solving the Symbolic Regression Problem with Tree-Adjunct Grammar Guided Genetic Programming: The Comparative Results, The Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems 7(3/4) 2001, Pp. 114-121bibtex
  26. Wang, B, McKay, R I (Bob), Abbass, H A, Barlow, M, Domain Ontology Guided Feature-Selection for Document Categorisation, The Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems 7(3/4) 2001, Pp. 102-109bibtex
  27. Yao, X, McKay, R I (Bob), Simulated Evolution and Learning: An Introduction, Applied Intelligence 15(3) 2001, Pp. 151-152Linkbibtex
  28. McKay, R I (Bob), Sarker, R, Yao, X, Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems: An Introduction, KES Journal 4 2000, Pp. 1-2bibtex
  29. R I (Bob) McKay, J R Davis, Artificial Intelligence in the Natural World, AI Applications 8(3) 1994, Pp. 1-2bibtex

Keynote Addresses etc.

  1. R I (Bob) McKay, Probabilistic Grammar Models and Genetic Programming, Probabilistic Grammar Models and Genetic Programming, International Conference on Knowledge Systems Engineering October 2010, Hanoi, VietNam, Keynote Addressbibtex
  2. R I (Bob) McKay, Evolution, Development and Fitness in Genetic Programming, Evolution, Development and Fitness in Genetic Programming, Eleventh Asia-Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems November 2007, Yokosuka, Japan, Keynote Addressbibtex
  3. McKay, R I (Bob), Complexity in Genetic Programming: Using Entropy and Compression Metrics to Understand GP Behaviour, Complexity in Genetic Programming: Using Entropy and Compression Metrics to Understand GP Behaviour, International Symposium on Intelligence, Computation and Applications September 2007, Wuhan, China, Keynote Addressbibtex
  4. McKay, R I (Bob), A Research Introduction to Genetic Programming, A Research Introduction to Genetic Programming, Third Asia-Pacific Workshop on Genetic Programming October 2006, Hanoi, VietNam, Keynote Addressbibtex
  5. McKay, R I (Bob), Using Human Speech Structures to Model Reality: Grammars in Genetic Programming, Using Human Speech Structures to Model Reality: Grammars in Genetic Programming, International Symposium on Intelligence, Computation and Applications April 2005, Wuhan, China, Keynote Addressbibtex
  6. McKay, R I (Bob), Machine Learning with Genetic Programming: Some Challenges, Machine Learning with Genetic Programming: Some Challenges, Asia-Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems November 2003, Kitakyushu, Japan, Keynote Addressbibtex
  7. McKay, R I (Bob), Inspirations from Nature: Evolution and Complexity, Inspirations from Nature: Evolution and Complexity, International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems July 2002, Chengdu, China, Keynote Addressbibtex
  8. McKay, R I (Bob), Complexity and Hierarchy in Natural and Artificial Systems, Complexity and Hierarchy in Natural and Artificial Systems, Australian Workshop on Artificial Life November 2001, Adelaide, Australia, Keynote Addressbibtex
  9. Newton, C S, McKay, R I (Bob), Evolutionary Computation in Defence, Evolutionary Computation in Defence, Japan-Australia Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems November 2000, Yokosuka, Japan, Keynote Addressbibtex

Refereed Book Chapters

  1. W B Langdon, R I McKay, L Spector, Genetic Programming, Handbook of Metaheuristics, Springer Verlag September 2010, Pp. 185-225Linkbibtex
  2. Raymond Chiong, Ferrante Neri, RI (Bob) McKay, Nature that Breeds Selection, Nature-Inspired Informatics for Intelligent Applications and Knowledge Discovery: Implications in Business, Science and Engineering, IGI Global July 2009, Pp. 1-24Linkbibtex
  3. McKay, R I (Bob), Evolutionary Algorithms, The Encyclopaedia of Ecology, Elsevier July 2008, Pp. 1464-1472Linkbibtex
  4. Shan, Y, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D, Abbass, H A, A Survey of Probabilistic Model Building Genetic Programming, Scalable Optimization via Probabilistic Modelling: From Algorithms to Applications, Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence 33 Springer-Verlag 12 2006, Pp. 121-160Linkbibtex
  5. Kirley, M, Abbass, H A, McKay, R I (Bob), Diversity Mechanisms in Pitt-Style Evolutionary Classifier Systems, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Approaches Based on Rule Induction Techniques, Kluwer Massive Computation series 6 Springer-Verlag June 2006, Pp. 433-457bibtex
  6. Nguyen, M H, Abbass, H A, McKay, R I (Bob), Diversity and Neuro-Ensembles, Evolutionary Computing in Data Mining, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 163 Physica-Verlag December 2005, Pp. 125-153toc|Linkbibtex
  7. Nguyen, M H, Abbass, H A, McKay, R I (Bob), Stopping Criteria for Ensembles of Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks, Design and Application of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 104 IOS Press November 2003, Pp. 157-166Linkbibtex

Refereed Conference Papers

  1. Kangil Kim, Bob (R.I) McKay, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, Implicit Bias in Grammar-based Estimation of Distribution Genetic Programming: The Effects of Recursive Structure, in Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Press June 2012, Pp. To Appearbibtex
  2. Ngoc Phong Dao, Quang Uy Nguyen, Xuan Hoai Nguyen, R I (Bob) McKay, Evolving Approximations for the Gaussian Q-function by Genetic Programming with Semantic Based Crossover, in Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Press June 2012, Pp. To Appearbibtex
  3. MinHyeok Kim, Robert Ian McKay, Dong-Kyun Kim, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, Evolutionary Operator Self-Adaptation with Diverse Operators, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Genetic Programming, Lecture Note in Computer Science Springer 2012, Pp. To Appearbibtex
  4. D. Punithan, R.I. McKay, Self-organizing Spatio-temporal Pattern Formation in Two-dimensional Daisyworld, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer 2012, Pp. To appearbibtex
  5. Dharani Punithan, Dong-Kyun Kim, RI (Bob) McKay, Daisyworld in Two Dimensional Small-World Networks, in Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Bio-Science and Bio-Technology, Communications in Computer and Information Science 258 Springer December 2011, Pp. 167-178bibtex
  6. Joonseok Lee, Bob McKay, Optimizing a Personalized Cellphone Keypad, in Geuk Lee, Daniel Howard and Dominik Slezak (eds), Proceedings of International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology, Lecture Note in Computer Science 6935 Springer September 22-24 2011, Pp. 237-244bibtex
  7. In Soo Oh, YunGeun Lee, RI (Bob) McKay, Simulating Chemical Evolution, in IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Press June 2011, Pp. 2717-2724Linkbibtex
  8. Nguyen Thi Hien, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, Bob McKay, A Study on Genetic Programming with Layered Learning and Incremental Sampling, in IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Press June 2011, Pp. 1179-1185bibtex
  9. YunGeun Lee, R I (Bob) McKay, How Hard should we Run? Trading off Exploration and Exploitation in Dynamic Evolutionary Algorithms, in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, ACM Press July 12-16 2011, Pp. 1187-1194bibtex
  10. Kangil Kim, RI (Bob) McKay, Structural Difficulty in Estimation of Distribution Genetic Programming, in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, ACM Press July 12-16 2011, Pp. 1459-1466bibtex
  11. Min Hyeok Kim, R I (Bob) McKay, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, Kangil Kim, Operator Self-Adaptation in GP, in Sara Silva and James A. Foster and Miguel Nicolau and Penousal Machado and Mario Giacobini (eds), Proceedings, 14th European Conference on Genetic Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6621 Springer 2011, Pp. 215-226bibtex
  12. Dharani Punithan, Jerome Marhic, Jakramate Bootkrajang, R I (Bob) McKay, N Mori, An XML Format for Sharing Evolutionary Algorithm Output and Analysis, in Deb, Kalyanmoy and Bhattacharya, Arnab and Chakraborti, Nirupam and Chakroborty, Partha and Das, Swagatam and Dutta, Joydeep and Gupta, Santosh and Jain, Ashu and Aggarwal, Varun and Branke, Jürgen and Louis, Sushil and Tan, Kay (eds), Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6457 Springer December 2010, Pp. 384-388bibtex
  13. Nguyen Quang Uy, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, M O'Neill, RI McKay, The Role of Syntactic and Semantic Locality of Crossover in Genetic Programming, in Proceedings, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN), Lecture Note in Computer Science 6239 Springer September 2010, Pp. 533-542Linkbibtex
  14. K Kim, RI McKay, D Punithan, Sampling Bias in Estimation of Distribution Algorithms for Genetic Programming using Prototype Trees, in Byoung-Tak Zhang and Mehmet A. Orgun (eds), Pacific Rim Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 6230 Springer August 2010, Pp. 100-111Linkbibtex
  15. Dong-Kyun Kim, Bob McKay, Haisoo Shin, Yun-Geun Lee, Xuan Hoai Nguyen, Ecological Application of Evolutionary Computation: Improving Water Quality Forecasts for the Nakdong River, Korea, in World Congress on Computational Intelligence, IEEE Press July 2010, Pp. 2005-2012Linkbibtex
  16. Quang Uy Nguyen, Bob McKay, Michael O'Neill, Xuan Haoi Nguyen, Self-Adapting Semantic Sensitivities for Semantic Similarity Based Crossover, in World Congress on Computational Intelligence, IEEE Press July 2010, Pp. 4034-4040Linkbibtex
  17. Quang Uy Nguyen, Michael O'Neill, Xuan Haoi Nguyen, R I (Bob) McKay, Semantics Based Crossover for Boolean Problems, in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), ACM Press 2010, Pp. 869-875Linkbibtex
  18. Keehyung Kim, RI (Bob) McKay, Byung-Ro Moon, Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for Dynamic Social Network Clustering, in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, ACM Press 2010, Pp. 1179-1186Linkbibtex
  19. Keehyung Kim, Hyukgeun Choi, R.I. Bob McKay, Hybrid Integration of Reasoning Techniques in Suspect Investigation, in Proceedings, International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA-AIE 2010), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6096 Springer 2010, Pp. 651-660Linkbibtex
  20. Yong Ai, Hongbin Dong, Yiwen Liang, McKay, R.I., A Framework for a File View Model in Intranets, in International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, ICCIT, nov. 2009, Pp. 976 -981bibtex
  21. Quang Uy Nguyen, Xuan Hoai Nguyen, Michael O'Neill, Bob McKay, Edgar Galvan Lopez, An Analysis of Semantic Aware Crossover, in Zhihua Cai and Zhenhua Li and Zhuo Kang and Yong Liu (eds), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Intelligent Computation and Applications, Communications in Computer and Information Science 51 Springer October 2009, Pp. 56-65Linkbibtex
  22. Quang Uy Nguyen, Michael O'Neill, Xuan Hoai Nguyen, Bob McKay, Edgar Galvan Lopez, Semantic Similarity based Crossover in GP: The Case for Real-valued Function Regression, in Pierre Collet (eds), Evolution Artificielle, 9th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer 26-28 October 2009, Pp. 13-24Linkbibtex
  23. Huynh Thi Thanh Binh, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, R.I. Bob McKay, Nguyen Duc Nghia, New Heuristic and Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Bounded Diameter Minimum Spanning Tree Problem, in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Proceedings, July 8-12 2009, Pp. 373-380bibtex
  24. Yun-Geun Lee, Robert Ian McKay, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, Dong-Kyun Kim, The Effect of Vesicular Selection in Dynamic Environments, in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Proceedings, July 8-12 2009, Pp. 1867-1868bibtex
  25. Robert I. McKay, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, James R. Cheney, MinHyeok Kim, Naoki Mori, Tuan Hao Hoang, Estimating the Distribution and Propagation of Genetic Programming Building Blocks through Tree Compression, in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Proceedings, July 8-12 2009, Pp. 1011-1018bibtex
  26. Haisoo Shin, Yun-Geun Lee, Bob McKay, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, Evolutionary Algorithms in Unreliable Memory, in Martin Suess and Tughrul Arslan and Didier Keymuelen and Adrian Stoica and Ahmet T. Erdogan and David Merodio (eds), Adaptive Hardware and Systems, Proceedings, NASA/ESA Conference on, Jul 29 - Aug 1 2009, Pp. 236-243bibtex
  27. Juho Kim, Won-Wook Hong, Robert Ian McKay, Evolutionary Topic Maps, in Korean Human-Computer Interface Conference, Feb 9-11 2009, Pp. 685-689bibtex
  28. Tuan Pham, Kangil Kim, Bob McKay, Xuan Hoai Nguyen, An Adaptive, Personalised Chording Keyboard, in Korean Human-Computer Interface Conference, Feb 9-11 2009, Pp. 245-252bibtex
  29. Dharani Punithan, Bob McKay, Cognitive Based Context Aware Reference History Management, in Korean Human-Computer Interface Conference, Feb 9-11 2009, Pp. 227-231bibtex
  30. MinHyeok Kim, R I (Bob) McKay, Simple Music Analysis using Plain Genetic Programming, in Proceedings of the KIISE Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Web Information Technology, 2 Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers November 2008, Pp. 195-199bibtex
  31. Tuan-Hao Hoang, R I (Bob) McKay, Daryl Essam, Xuan Hoai Nguyen, Learning General Solutions through Multiple Evaluations during Development, in Lukas Sekanina and Pauline Haddow (eds), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Evolvable Systems, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer September 21 - 24 2008, Pp. 201-212Linkbibtex
  32. H T H Binh, X H Nguyen, R I (Bob) McKay, A New Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Bounded Diameter Minimum Spanning Tree Problem, in Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Press June 2008bibtex
  33. Tuan Hao Hoang, R I (Bob) McKay, Daryl Essam, Xuan Haoi Nguyen, Developmental Evaluation in Genetic Programming: A Position Paper, in D Howard (eds), Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Frontiers in the Convergence of Bioscience and Information Technologies, October 2007, Pp. 773-778bibtex
  34. Shin, J, Kang, M, McKay, R I (Bob), Nguyen, X, Hoang, T H, Mori, N, Essam, D, Analysing the Regularity of Genomes using Compression and Expression Simplification, in Ebner, M and O'Neill, M and Ekart, A and Vanneschi, L and Esparcia-Alcazar, A I (eds), Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP2007), Springer Lecture Note in Computer Science 4445 Springer-Verlag April 11-13 2007, Pp. 251-260Linkbibtex
  35. Hoang, Tuan-Hao, Essam, Daryl, McKay, Robert Ian (Bob), Nguyen, Xuan Hoai, Building on Success in Genetic Programming: Adaptive Variation & Developmental Evaluation, in Lishan Kang and Yong Liu and Sanyou Zeng (eds), Advances in Computation and Intelligence: Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Intelligent Computation and Applications (ISICA), Lecture Note in Computer Science 4683 Springer-Verlag Sept 21-23 2007, Pp. 137-146Linkbibtex
  36. Nguyen, Quang Uy, Nguyen, Xuan Hoai, McKay, Robert Ian (Bob), Pham, Minh Tuan, Initialising PSO with Randomized Low-Discrepancy Sequences, in Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), IEEE Press Sept 25-28 2007, Pp. 1985-1992bibtex
  37. McKay, Robert Ian (Bob), Shin, Jungseok, Hoang, Tuan Hao, Nguyen, Xuan Hoai, Mori, Naoki, Using Compression to Understand the Distribution of Building Blocks in Genetic Programming Populations, in Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), IEEE Press Sept 25-28 2007, Pp. 2501-2508bibtex
  38. Nguyen, Xuan Hoai, Nguyen, Quang Uy, McKay, Robert Ian (Bob), Initialising PSO with Randomized Low-Discrepancy Sequences: Some Preliminary and Comparative Results, in Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference(GECCO), ACM Press July 7-11 2007, Pp. 173-173bibtex
  39. Liu, B, Pan, J, McKay, R I (Bob), Incremental Clustering Based on Swarm Intelligence, in Wang, T D and Li, X D and Chen, S-H and Wang, X and Abbass, H and Iba, H and Chen, G and Yao, X (eds), Proceedings of Simulated Evolution and Learning 6th International Conference (SEAL 2006), Springer Lecture Note in Computer Science 4247 Springer-Verlag April 2006, Pp. 189-196Linkbibtex
  40. McKay, R I (Bob), Hoang, T H, Essam, D L, Nguyen, X H, Developmental Evaluation in Genetic Programming: the Preliminary Results, in Collet, P and Tomassini, M and Ebner, M and Gustafson, S and Ekart, A (eds), Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2006), Springer Lecture Note in Computer Science 3905 Springer-Verlag April 10-12 2006, Pp. 280-289Linkbibtex
  41. Hoang, T H, Nguyen, X H, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D L, The Importance of Local Search: A Grammar Based Approach to Environmental Time Series Modelling, in Yu, T and Riolo, R and Worzel, B (eds), Genetic Programming Theory and Practice III, Springer series on Genetic Programming 9 Springer US June 18 2006, Pp. 159-175Linkbibtex
  42. Hoang, T H, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D L, Nguyen, X H, Solving Symbolic Regression Problem using Developmental Evaluation in Genetic Programming, in Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), IEEE Press July 16-21 2006, Pp. 2134-2141Linkbibtex
  43. Hoang, T H, Nguyen, X H, Nguyen, T H, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D, ORDERTREE: A New Test Problem for Genetic Programming, in Keijzer, M and Cattolico, M and Arnold, D and Babovic, V and Blum, C and Bosman, P and Butz M V and Coello, C and Dasgupta, D and Ficici, S G and Foster, J and Hernandez-Aguirre, A and McMinn, P and Moore, J and Raidl, G and Rothlauf, F and Ryan, C and Thierens, D (eds), Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO 2006), 1 ACM Press July 8-12 2006, Pp. 807-814Linkbibtex
  44. Kang, M, Shin, J, Hoang, T H, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D, Mori, N, Nguyen, X H, Code Duplication and Developmental Evaluation in Genetic Programming, in Proceedings of the 2006 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, November 2006, Pp. 181-191bibtex
  45. Min, B, Choe, C, McKay, R I (Bob), A Compound Approach for Football Result Prediction, in Proceedings of the 2006 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, November 2006, Pp. 215-225bibtex
  46. Hoang, T H, Essam, D L, McKay, R I (Bob), Nguyen, X H, Developmental Evaluation in Genetic Programming: A TAG-based Framework, in Pham, T L and Le, H K and Nguyen, X H (eds), Proceedings of the 3rd Asia-Pacific Genetic Programming Workshop, October 2006, Pp. 86-97Linkbibtex
  47. Nguyen, X H, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D, Hoang, T H, Genetic Transposition in Tree Adjoining Grammar Guided Genetic Programming: The Duplication Operator, in Keijzer, M and Tettamanzi, A and Collet, P and Hemert J van and Tomassini, M (eds), Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2005), Springer Lecture Note in Computer Science 3447 Springer-Verlag March 30-April 1 2005, Pp. 108-119Linkbibtex
  48. McKay, R I (Bob), Nguyen, X H, Whigham, P A, Shan, Y, Grammars in Genetic Programming: A Brief Review, in Kang, L and Cai, Z and Yan, Y (eds), Progress in Intelligence Computation and Intelligence: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Intelligence, Computation and Applications, China University of Geosciences Press April 2005, Pp. 3-18bibtex
  49. Nguyen, X H, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D L, Abbass, H A, Toward an Alternative Comparison Between Genetic Programming Systems, in Keijzer, M and O'Reilly, UM and Lucas, S M and Costa, E and Soule, T (eds), Proceedings of The 7th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2004), Springer Lecture Note in Computer Science 3003 Springer-Verlag April 5-7 2004, Pp. 67-77Linkbibtex
  50. Nguyen, X H, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D L, Finding Trigonometric Identities with Tree Adjunct Grammar Guided Genetic Programming, in Abraham, A and Jain, L and Zwaag, B J van der (eds), Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications, Springer Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 140 Springer-Verlag January 2004, Pp. 221-236toc|Linkbibtex
  51. Nguyen, X H, McKay, R I (Bob), Softening the Structural Difficulty in Genetic Programming with TAG-Based Representation and Insertion/Deletion Operators, in Deb, K and Poli, R and Banzhaf, W and Beyer, HG and Burke, E and Darwen, P and Dasgupta, D and Floreano, D and Foster, J and Harman, M and Holland, O and Lanzi, P L and Spector, L and Tettamanzi, A and Thierens, D and Tyrrell, A (eds), Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle, WA, USA,, Proceedings, Part II, Lecture Note in Computer Science 3103 Springer-Verlag June 26-30 2004, Pp. 605-616Linkbibtex
  52. Nguyen, X H, McKay, R I (Bob), Abbass, H A, Tree Adjoining Grammars, Language Bias, and Genetic Programming, in Ryan, C and Soule, T and Keijzer, M and Tsang, E and Poli, R and Costa, E (eds), Genetic Programming: 6th European Conference, EuroGP , Essex, UK, April 14-16, 2003. Proceedings, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2610 Springer-Verlag February 19 2004, Pp. 157-183Linkbibtex
  53. McKay, R I (Bob), Mori, N, Essam, D L, Zhang, B T, Partitioned Selection: A Selection Operator for In-Vitro Evolution, in 2004 Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, October 2004bibtex
  54. Essam, D L, McKay, R I (Bob), Heritage Diversity in Genetic Programming, in The 5th International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL 2004), October 26-29 2004bibtex
  55. Nguyen, H X, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D L, Abbass, H A, Genetic Transposition in Tree-Adjoining Grammar Guided Genetic Programming: the Relocation Operator, in 2004 International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, October 2004bibtex
  56. Nguyen, H X, McKay, R I (Bob), An Investigation on the Roles of Insertion and Deletion Operators in Tree Adjoining Grammar Guided Genetic Programming, in Proceedings of the 2004 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1 IEEE Press June 20-23 2004, Pp. 472-477Linkbibtex
  57. Shan, Y, McKay, R I (Bob), Baxter, R, Abbass, H A, Essam, D L, Nguyen, H X, scfgcec04.pdfGrammar Model-based Program Evolution, in Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1 IEEE Press June 20-23 2004, Pp. 478-485Linkbibtex
  58. Kang, L, Zhou, A, McKay, R I (Bob), Li, Y, Kang, Z, Benchmarking Algorithms for Dynamic Travelling Salesman Problems, in Proceedings, Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2 IEEE Press June 2004, Pp. 1286-1292bibtex
  59. Hoang, T H, Nguyen, X H, McKay, R I (Bob), Does it Matter Where you Start? A Comparison of Two Initialisation Strategies for Grammar Guided Genetic Programming, in McKay R I (Bob) and Cho, S B (eds), Proceedings of the 2004 Asia-Pacific Genetic Programming Workshop, December 6-7 2004Linkbibtex
  60. Shan, Y, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D L, Liu, J, Modularity and Position Independence in EDA-GP, in McKay, R I and Cho, S B (eds), Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Genetic Programming, December 6-7 2004Linkbibtex
  61. Shan, Y, McKay, R I (Bob), Abbass, H A, Essam, D L, Program distribution estimation with grammar models, in Proceedings of the 2004 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, December 2004, Pp. 191-205bibtex
  62. McKay, R I (Bob), Hoang, T H, Mori, N, Nguyen, X H, Essam, D L, Model-Building with Interpolated Temporal Data, in Recknagel, F (eds), Oct 24-28 2004, Pp. 66Linkbibtex
  63. Wu, Z J, Dong, H B, Liang, Y W, McKay, R I (Bob), A Chromosome-based Evaluation Model for CDIS, in Sarker, R and Reynolds, R and Abbass, H and Tan, K C and McKay, R I (Bob) and Essam, D and Gedeon, T (eds), Proceedings, Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2 IEEE Press December 2003, Pp. 1363-1369bibtex
  64. Shan, Y, McKay, R I (Bob), Abbass, H, Essam, D L, Program Evolution with Explicit Learning: A New Framework for Program Automatic Synthesis, in Sarker, R and Reynolds, R and Abbass, H and Tan, K C and McKay, R I (Bob) and Essam, D and Gedeon, T (eds), Proceedings of the 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2003), 3 IEEE Press December 8-12 2003, Pp. 1639-1646Linkbibtex
  65. Liu, B, McKay, R I (Bob), Abbass, H A, Improving Genetic Classifiers with a Boosting Algorithm, in Proceedings, Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 4 IEEE Press December 2003, Pp. 2596-2602Linkbibtex
  66. Liu, B, Abbass, H A, McKay, R I (Bob), Classification Rule Discovery with Ant Colony Optimization, in 2003 IEEE/WIC Conference on Intelligent Agent Technologies, IEEE Press October 2003, Pp. 83-88Linkbibtex
  67. Wang, B, McKay, R I (Bob), Abbass, H A, Barlow, M, A Comparative Study for Domain Ontology Guided Feature Selection, in Proceedings of the 2003 Australian Computer Science Conference, 16 February 2003, Pp. 69-78Linkbibtex
  68. Nguyen, X H, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D L, Some Experimental Results with Tree Adjunct Grammar Guided Genetic Programming, in Foster, J A and Lutton, E and Miller, J and Ryan, C and Tezzamanzi, A G B (eds), Genetic Programming: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference (EuroGP 2002), Springer Lecture Note in Computer Science 2278 Springer-Verlag April 3-5 2002, Pp. 104-221Linkbibtex
  69. Nguyen, X H, Shan, Y, McKay, R I (Bob), Is Ambiguity Useful or Problematic for Grammar Guided Genetic Programming? A Case Study, in Wang, L and Tan, K C and Furuhashi, T and Kim, J H and Yao, X (eds), Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL02), November 18-22 2002, Pp. 449-454Linkbibtex
  70. Shan, Y, McKay, R I (Bob), Paull, D, Building Ecological Models Using Genetic Programming, in Wang, L and Tan, K C and Furuhashi, T and Kim, J H and Yao, X (eds), Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, November 18-22 2002, Pp. 320-325Linkbibtex
  71. Yan, Z Y, Kang, L S, McKay, R I (Bob), Fu, P H, SEEA for Multi-Objective Optimisation: Reinforcing Elitist MOEA through multi-parent crossover, steady elimination strategy and swarm hill-climbing, in Lipo Wang and Kay Chen Tan and Takeshi Furuhashi and Jong-Hwan Kim and Xin Yao (eds), Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, 1 November 2002, Pp. 21-26Linkbibtex
  72. Darbyshire, P, McKay, R I (Bob), Abbass, H A, Barlow, M, Bringing Intelligence to the Battlefield, in 4th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, November 2002bibtex
  73. Darbyshire, P, McKay, R I (Bob), Using Communication to Increase Learning in a Hostile Environment, in 6th International Conference on Complex Systems, September 2002bibtex
  74. Shan, Y, McKay, R I (Bob), Lokan, C J, Essam, D L, Software Project Effort Estimation Using Genetic Programming, in IEEE International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, 2 IEEE Press June 29-July 1 2002, Pp. 1108-1112Linkbibtex
  75. Nguyen, X H, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D L, Can Tree Adjunct Grammar Guided Genetic Programming be Good at Finding a Needle in a Haystack? A Case Study, in IEEE International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, 2 IEEE Press July 2002, Pp. 1113-1117Linkbibtex
  76. Wang, B, McKay, R I (Bob), Abbass, H A, Barlow, M, Learning Text Classifier using the Domain Concept Hierarchy, in IEEE International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, 2 IEEE Press July 2002, Pp. 1230-1234Linkbibtex
  77. Nguyen, X H, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D L, Chau, R M, Solving the Symbolic Regression Problem with Tree-Adjunct Grammar Guided Genetic Programming: The Comparative Results, in Fogel, D B and El-Sharkawi, M A and Yao, X and Greenwood, G and Iba, H and Marrow, P and Shackleton, M (eds), Proceedings, 2002 World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2 IEEE Press 2002, Pp. 1326-1333Linkbibtex
  78. Abbass, H, Nguyen, X H, McKay, R I (Bob), AntTAG: A New Method to Compose Computer Programs Using Colonies of Ants, in Proceedings, 2002 World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2 IEEE Press 2002, Pp. 1654-1666Linkbibtex
  79. Liu, B, Abbass, H, McKay, R I (Bob), Density-Based Heuristic for Rule Discovery with Ant-Miner, in Proceedings of the Australasia-Japan Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, 2002, Pp. 180-184bibtex
  80. Shan, Y, Abbass, H, McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D, AntTAG: A Further Study, in Sarker, R and McKay R I (eds), Proceedings of the 6th Australasia-Japan Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Nov 30 2002, Pp. 133-140Linkbibtex
  81. Clapham, N T, Barlow, M, McKay, R I (Bob), Toward classifying randomly asynchronous cellular automata, in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Complex Systems (CS02), 2002, Pp. 63-71bibtex
  82. Bracken, N J, McKay, R I (Bob), Phased Array Sub-Beam Optimisation, in Stumptner and Corbett and Brooks (eds), AI 2001: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings, Springer Lecture Note in Computer Science 2256 Springer-Verlag December 10-14 2001, Pp. 157-193Linkbibtex
  83. Essam, D L, McKay, R I (Bob), Adaptive Control of Partial Functions in Genetic Programming, in Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2 IEEE Press May 27-30 2001, Pp. 895-901Linkbibtex
  84. McKay, R I (Bob), Essam, D L, Evolving Self-Reproducing Functional Programs, in Proceedings of the 2001 Australian Workshop on Artificial Life, 2001, Pp. 55-68bibtex
  85. McKay, R I (Bob), Abbass, H A, Analysing Anti correlation in Ensemble Learning, in Proceedings of 2001 Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert Systems, 2001, Pp. 22-27Linkbibtex
  86. McKay, R I (Bob), Abbass, H A, Anticorrelation Measures in Genetic Programming, in Kasabov, N and Whigham, P (eds), Proceedings of the Australasia-Japan Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Nov 19-21 2001, Pp. 45-51Linkbibtex
  87. Clapham, N, McKay, R I (Bob), Barlow, M, From Synchronicity to Asynchronicity: Rhythm in Cellular Automata, in Post-graduate ADFA Conference on Computer Science, 2001, Pp. 81-86bibtex
  88. Nguyen, X H, McKay, R I (Bob), A Framework for Tree-adjunct Grammar Guided Genetic Programming, in Post-graduate ADFA Conference on Computer Science, 2001, Pp. 93-100bibtex
  89. McKay, R I (Bob), Spatial Learning using Fitness-Shared Genetic Programming, in Second International Conference on Ecological Modelling and Learning, 2000bibtex
  90. McKay, R I (Bob), Committee Learning of Partial Functions in Fitness-Shared Genetic Programming, in Industrial Electronics Society, 2000. IECON 2000. 26th Annual Confjerence of the IEEE Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning 2000, 4 IEEE Press October 22-28 2000, Pp. 2861-2866Linkbibtex
  91. McKay, R I (Bob), Partial Functions in Fitness-Shared Genetic Programming, in Proceedings of the 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC00, 1 IEEE Press July 16-19 2000, Pp. 349-356Linkbibtex
  92. McKay, R I (Bob), Fitness Sharing in Genetic Programming, in Whitley, D and Goldberg, D and Cantu-Paz, E and Spector, L and Parmee, I and Beyer, H G (eds), Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2000), Morgan Kaufmann July 10-12 2000, Pp. 435-442Linkbibtex
  93. Darbyshire, P, Abbass, H, Barlow, M, McKay, R I (Bob), A Prototype Design for Studying Emergent Battlefield Behaviour through Multi-Agent Simulation, in Japan-Australia Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, November 2000, Pp. 71-78bibtex
  94. McKay, R I (Bob), Partial Functions in Genetic Programming: Program Size and Evaluation Cost, in Japan-Australia Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, November 2000, Pp. 89-96bibtex
  95. McKay, R I (Bob), Yao, X, Teaching of AI-Related Subjects at ADFA, in Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 1998bibtex
  96. McKay, R I (Bob), Pearson, R, Whigham, P, Learning Spatial Relationships: Some Approaches, in Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of Geocomputation and SIRC'97, 2 GeoComputation CD-Rom August 26-29 1997, Pp. 69-77Linkbibtex
  97. Whigham, P, McKay, R I (Bob), Genetic approaches to learning recursive relations, in Yao, X (eds), Progress in Evolutionary Computation. Proceeding of the Evolutionary Computation Workshop at the Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI1993-1994), Springer Lecture Note in Artificial Intelligence 956 Springer-Verlag November 1995, Pp. 17-27Linkbibtex
  98. McKay, R I (Bob), Whigham, P, Genetic Programming and Inductive Logic, in AI'94 Machine Learning Workshop, November 1994bibtex
  99. McKay, R I (Bob), Relational Learning for Geospatial Problems, in ICARCV Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Interaction: Representation and Reasoning, November 1994, Pp. 104-112bibtex
  100. McKay, R I (Bob), Machine Induction of Geospatial Knowledge, in AI'93 Machine Learning Workshop, November 1993, Pp. 11-13bibtex
  101. Whigham, P, McKay, R I (Bob), Davis, J, Machine Induction of Geospatial Knowledge, in Frank, A U and Campari, I and Formentini, U (eds), Theories and Methods of Spatio-Temporal Reasoning in Geographic Space, Springer Lecture Note in Computer Science 639 Springer-Verlag September 1992, Pp. 402-417Linkbibtex
  102. Wagner, M I, McKay, R I (Bob), Sampath, S, Slater, D, Modelling Prosody Parameters for Declarative English Sentence Structures, in Proceedings of V European Signal Processing Conference, EURASIP, North Holland/Elsevier July 1990, Pp. 1135-1138bibtex
  103. Wagner, M I, McKay, R I (Bob), Sampath, S, Slater, D, Modelling the Prosody of Simple English Sentences Using Hidden Markov Models, in Proceedings 3rd Australian International Conference on Speech Science & Technology SST-90, 1990, Pp. 180-185bibtex
  104. Seneviratne, A P, McKay, R I (Bob), An Intelligent Network Medium Access Scheme for Bus Based Local Area Networks', in Proceedings of ICCC Symposium on Computer Communications '89, International Council for Computer Communications September 1989bibtex
  105. McKay, R I (Bob), Seneviratne, A P, Predicting LAN Traffic Loads, in Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, November 1989, Pp. 287-397bibtex

Books and Conference Proceedings

  1. Son Bao Pham and Tuan-Hao Hoang and R. I. McKay and Kaoru Hirota and The Long Pham and Ngoc Binh Nguyen (eds), Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, IEEE Press October 2010bibtex
  2. Gen, M. and Green, D. and Katai, O. and McKay, R. I. and Namatame, A. and Sarker, R. and Zhang, B. T. (eds), Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Studies in Computational Intelligence 187 Springer March 12 2009bibtex
  3. Cho, S B and Gen, M and Katai, O and Lee, C Y and McKay, R I (Bob) and Namatame, A and Sarker, R and Tsujimura, Y and Zhang, B T (eds), Proceedings of the Tenth Asia-Pacific Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, November 2006bibtex
  4. McKay, R I (Bob) and Nguyen, X H and Long, P T (eds), Proceedings of the Third Asia-Pacific Workshop on Genetic Programming, October 2006bibtex
  5. Corne, D and Michalewicz, Z and McKay, R I (Bob) and Dorigo, M and Eiben, G and Fogel, D and Fonseca, C and Greenwood, G and Tan, K C and Raidl, G and Zalzala, A (eds), Proceedings of the 2005 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, September 2005bibtex
  6. McKay, R I (Bob) and Cho, S B (eds), Proceedings of the 2004 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Genetic Programming, December 2004bibtex
  7. Sarker, R and Reynolds, R and Abbass, H A and Tan, K C and McKay, R I (Bob) and Essam, D L and Gedeon, T (eds), Proceedings of the 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, December 2003bibtex
  8. Gen, M and Namatame, A and Katai, O and McKay, R I (Bob) and Hwang, H S and Liu, B D (eds), Proceedings of the 2003 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, November 2003bibtex
  9. McKay, R I (Bob) and Slaney, J (eds), Proceedings of the 2002 Australian Artificial Intelligence Conference, Springer Lecture Note in Artificial Intelligence 2557 December 2002bibtex
  10. Sarker, R and McKay, R I (Bob) and Gen, M and Namatame, A (eds), Proceedings of the Sixth Japan-Australasia Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, December 2002bibtex
  11. Namatame, A and Tsujimura, Y and Gen, M and McKay, R I (Bob) and Sarker, R and Yao, X (eds), Proceedings of the Fourth Japan-Australia Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, November 2000bibtex
  12. McKay, R I (Bob) and Sarker, R and Yao, X and Namatame, A and Tsujimura, Y and Gen, M (eds), Proceedings of the Third Japan-Australia Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, November 1999bibtex
  13. McKay, R I (Bob) and Yao, X and Newton, C S and Kim, J H and Furuhashi, T (eds), Simulated Evolution and Learning, Springer Lecture Note in Computational Intelligence 1585 November 1998bibtex
  14. McKay, R I (Bob) and Yao, X and Newton, C S and Kim, J H and Furuhashi, T (eds), Proceedings of the 1998 Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, 1 November 1998bibtex
  15. McKay, R I (Bob) and Yao, X and Newton, C S and Kim, J H and Furuhashi, T (eds), Proceedings of the 1998 Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning, 2 November 1998bibtex
  16. Yao, X and Gen, M and Tsujimura, Y and McKay, R I (Bob) (eds), Proceedings of the First Australia-Japan Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, November 1997bibtex

Edited Journal Issues, Etc.

  1. McKay, R I (Bob) and Nguyen, X H and Chen, S H (eds), KES Journal 12 IOS Press Jan 2008bibtex
  2. Abbass, H A and McKay, R I (Bob) (eds), International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 2(3) Imperial College Press 2003Linkbibtex
  3. Sarker, R and McKay, R I (Bob) (eds), KES Journal 7(3) IOS Press July 2003Linkbibtex
  4. Yao, X and McKay, R I (Bob) (eds), Applied Intelligence: The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, and Complex Problem-Solving Technologies 15(3) Kluwer 2001bibtex
  5. The Virtual Battlefield: Tools to Enable a Science of Military Conflict, UTS National Media Forum on Artificial Intelligence, May 2001bibtex
  6. X Yao and R Sarker and R I (Bob) McKay (eds), KES Journal 4(3) IOS Press 2000bibtex
  7. McKay, R I (Bob) and Davis, J R (eds), AI Applications 8(3) 1994bibtex

Technical Reports

Current technical reports are available from our technical reports library.

  1. Nguyen Thi Hien, Nguyen Xuan Hoai, Nguyen Quang Uy, Bob McKay, Where Should We Stop? - An Investigation on Early Stopping for GP Learning, Seoul National University Structural Complexity Laboratory(TRSNUSC:2011:001) 2011bibtex
  2. Joonseok Lee, Bob McKay, Optimizing Personalized Multigram Cellphone Keypad, Seoul National University Structural Complexity Laboratory(TRSNUSC:2010:001) 2010bibtex
  3. Dharani Punithan, Jerome Marhic, Kangil Kim, Jakramate Bootkrajang, Bob McKay, Naoki Mori, An XML Format for Sharing Evolutionary Output and Resource, Seoul National University Structural Complexity Laboratory(TRSNUSC:2010:002) 2010bibtex
  4. Lee, Y.-G., McKay, R. I., Kim, K.-I., Kim, D.-K., Nguyen., X. H., Investigating vesicular selection: A Selection Operator from In-vitro Evolution, Seoul National University Structural Complexity Laboratory(TRSNUSC:2009:001) 2009bibtex
  5. Pearson, R A, McKay, R I (Bob), Spatial Induction for Natural Resource Problems: A Case Study in Wildlife Density Prediction, School of Computer Science UNSW(CS14/94) 1994bibtex