In close collaboration with Seoul National University's Structural Complexity Laboratory


This is an old revision of the document!

Using the x2go client in Yosemite

This has been complex to get going, but many things work. The issues I have faced were:

  1. Logging in from the client sometimes fails after the server has been rebooted. This seems to be a problem with a left-over lx terminal socket file that doesn't get cleaned up properly. To fix it, I used
ls -a /tmp
rm /tmp/.lxterminal-socket:<socketno>-<username>
  1. Keyboard mappings get messed up. To fix this, I used two separate hints. The first is from Daniel Lange: First, on your mac, open an xterm (by starting up xquartz, which you can do easily by starting the x2goclient). In that terminal do
xmodmap -pke > localxmodmap

Then copy (e.g. by sftp or scp) that localxmodmap to your server. In your home directory, check if there is already a .Xmodmap file. If there is, you may need to merge the new one with it - sorry, can't help with that. If there isn't, copy localxmodmap to .Xmodmap. However you're not finished. Now (thanks to ato on stackoverflow), you need to append to the .Xmodmap file:

! Now reset all the modifiers too
clear shift
clear lock
clear control
clear mod1
clear mod2
clear mod3
clear mod4
clear mod5
add shift = Shift_L Shift_R
add lock = Caps_Lock
add control = Control_L Control_R
add mod1 = Alt_L Alt_R
add mod2 = Meta_L Meta_R

So far, almost all applications seem to work with this. The exception is virtualbox, which still has (for me) corrupted keyboard settings.