@inproceedings{McKay1997GeoComp, Author = {McKay, R I (Bob) and Pearson, R and Whigham, P}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of Geocomputation and SIRC'97}, Confkind = {??}, Confname = {??}, Country = {??}, Date-Modified = {2012-03-13 02:25:06 +0900}, End = {??}, Isbn = {0-957-0-XXXX}, Location = {Dunedin, NZ}, Month = {August 26-29}, Note = {Refereed International Conference Papers}, Pages = {69--77}, Presentdate = {??}, Presentkind = {??}, Pubcontinent = {??}, Publisher = {GeoComputation CD-Rom}, Sponsor = {??}, Start = {??}, Title = {Learning Spatial Relationships: Some Approaches}, Url = {http://sc.snu.ac.kr/PAPERS/Geocomp.pdf}, Url1 = {http://www.geocomputation.org/1997/index.html}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1997}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://sc.snu.ac.kr/PAPERS/Geocomp.pdf}}