@string{uacs = "Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona"} @string{tse = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering"} @string{dsej = "Distributed Systems Engineering Journal"} @string{tocs = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems"} @string{ton = "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking"} @string{spe = "Software---Practice and Experience"} @string{sosp14 = "Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles"} @string{asplos6 = "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems"} @string{sigcomm92 = "Proceedings of the SIGCOMM '92 Symposium"} @string{sigcomm94 = "Proceedings of the SIGCOMM '94 Symposium"} @string{dcs12 = "Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems"} @string{rfc = "Request for Comments"} @Article(Abbott93ton-a, Author="Mark B. Abbott and Larry L. Peterson", Title="A Language-Based Approach to Protocol Implementation", Journal=ton, Volume="1", Number="1", Pages="4-19", Month=feb, Year=1993, File="language.ps" ) @Article(Abbott93ton-b, Author="Mark B. Abbott and Larry L. Peterson", Title="Increasing Network Throughput by Integrating Protocol Layers", Journal=ton, Volume="1", Number="5", Pages="600-610", Month=oct, Year=1993, File="ilp.ps" ) @InProceedings(Bailey91hpcs, Author="Mary L. Bailey and Michael A. Pagels and Larry L. Peterson", Title="The $x$-chip: An Experiment in Hardware Demultiplexing", Booktitle="Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on High Performance Communications Subsystems", Month=feb, Year=1991, File="xchip.ps" ) @InProceedings(Bailey94osdi, Author="Mary L. Bailey and Burra Gopal and Prasenjit Sarkar and Michael A. Pagels and Larry L. Peterson", Title="PathFinder: A Pattern-Based Packet Classifier", Booktitle="Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation", Month=nov, Year=1994, File="pathfinder.ps" ) @InProceedings(Brakmo94sigcomm, Author="Lawrence S. Brakmo and Sean W. O'Malley and Larry L. Peterson", Title="{TCP} {V}egas: New Techniques for Congestion Detection and Avoidance", Booktitle=sigcomm94, Month=aug, Year=1994, File="vegas.ps" ) @InProceedings(Druschel92dcs, Author="Peter Druschel and Larry L. Peterson and Norman C. Hutchinson", Title="Beyond Micro-Kernel Design: Decoupling Modularity and Protection in {L}ipto", Booktitle=dcs12, Pages="512-520", Address="Yokohama, Japan.", Month=jun, Year=1992, File="lipto.ps" ) @Article(Druschel93net, Author="Peter Druschel and Mark B. Abbott and Michael Pagels and Larry L. Peterson", Title="Network Subsystem Design", Journal="IEEE Network (Special Issue on End-System Support for High Speed Networks)", Pages="8-17", Volume="7", Number="4", Month=jul, Year=1993, File="analysis.ps" ) @InProceedings(Druschel93sosp, Author="Peter Druschel and Larry L. Peterson", Title="Fbufs: A High-Bandwidth Cross-Domain Transfer Facility", Booktitle=sosp14, Pages="189-202", Month=dec, Year=1993, File="fbuf.ps" ) @InProceedings(Druschel93iwooos, Author="Peter Druschel", Title="Efficient Support for Incremental Customization of {OS} Services", Pages="186-190", Booktitle="Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems", Year=1993, Month=dec, Address="Asheville, NC", File="customization.ps" ) @InProceedings(Druschel94sigcomm, Author="Peter Druschel and Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie", Title="Experience with a High-Speed Network Adaptor: A Software Perspective", Booktitle=sigcomm94, Month=aug, Year=1994, File="osiris.ps" ) @InProceedings{Engler94asplos, Author="Dawson R. Engler and Todd A. Proebsting", Title="{DCG}: An Efficient, Retargetable Dynamic Code Generation System", Booktitle=asplos6, Year=1994, Month=oct, File="dcg.ps" } @Article(hutch:xkern, Author="Norman C. Hutchinson and Larry L. Peterson", Title="{The {\sl x}-{K}ernel: An Architecture for Implementing Network Protocols}", Journal=tse, Volume="17", Number=1, Month=jan, Year=1991, Pages="64-76", File="architecture.ps" ) @Article(Mishra93spe, Author="Shivakan Mishra and Larry L. Peterson and Richard D. Schlichting", Title="Experience with Modularity in Consul", Journal=spe, Volume="23", Number=10, Month=oct, Year=1993, Pages="1050-1075", File="modular_ft.ps" ) @Article(Mishra93dsej, Author="Shivakant Mishra and Larry L. Peterson and Richard D. Schlichting", Title="Consul: A Communication Substrate for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Programs", Journal=dsej, Volume="1", Number=2, Pages="87-103", Month=dec, Year=1993, File="consul.ps" ) @TechReport(OMalley91rfc, Author="Sean W. O'Malley and Larry L. Peterson", Title="{TCP} Extensions Considered Harmful", Type=rfc, Number="1263", Institution="University of Arizona", Month=oct, Year=1991, File="rfc1263.txt" ) @Article(OMalley92tocs, Author="Sean W. O'Malley and Larry L. Peterson", Title="A Dynamic Network Architecture", Journal=tocs, Year=1992, Volume="10", Number=2, Month=may, Pages="110-143", File="dynamic.ps" ) @InProceedings(OMalley94sigcomm, Author="Sean W. O'Malley and Todd A. Proebsting and Allen B. Montz", Title="USC: A Universal Stub Compiler", Booktitle=sigcomm94, Month=oct, Year=1994, File="usc.ps" ) @InProceedings(Orman93usx, Author="H. Orman and E. Menze III and S. O'Malley and L. Peterson", Title="A Fast and General Implementation of {M}ach {IPC} in a Network", Booktitle="Proceedings of the 3rd Usenix Mach Conference", Month=apr, Year=1993, Pages="75-88", File="usenix93.ps" ) @InProceedings(Orman94isoc, Author="H. Orman and S. O'Malley and R. Schroeppel and D. Schwartz", Title="Paving the Road to Network Security, or the Value of Small Cobblestones", Booktitle="Proceedings of the 1994 Internet Society Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security", Month=feb, Year=1994, Pages="", File="isoc94.ps" ) @Article(Peterson89tocs, Author="Larry L. Peterson and Nick Buchholz and Richard D. Schlichting", Title="Preserving and Using Context Information in Interprocess Communication", Journal=tocs, Year=1989, Volume="7", Number=3, Month=aug, Pages="217-246" ) @TechReport(Peterson94tr, Author="Larry L. Peterson", Title="Network Systems Research Group: An Annotated Bibliography", Number="94-21", Institution=uacs, Month=jun, Year=1994, File="annobib.ps" ) @TechReport(Scout94tr, Author="Allan B. Montz and David Mosberger and Sean W. O'Malley and Larry L. Petersonand and Todd A. Proebsting and John H. Hartman", Title="Scout: A Communications-Oriented Operating System", Number="94-20", Institution=uacs, Month=jun, Year=1994, File="scout.ps" ) @Article(Rao93tse, Author="Herman C. Rao and Larry L. Peterson", Title="Accessing Files in an Internet: The Jade File System", Journal=tse, Pages="613-624", Volume="19", Number=6, Month=jun, Year=1993, File="jade.ps" ) @InProceedings(Turner92sigcomm, Author="Charles J. Turner and Larry L. Peterson", Title="Image Transfer: An End-to-End Design", Booktitle=sigcomm92, Pages="258-268", Address="Baltimore, Maryland", Month=aug, Year=1992, File="images.ps" ) @InProceedings(Turner92ieee, Author="Charles J. Turner and Larry L. Peterson", Title="The Effects of Transfer Encoding on Image Quality", Booktitle="Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing", Pages="63-67", Address="Singapore", Month=sep, Year=1992, File="quality.ps" ) @InProceedings(Turner94shpcc, Author="Charles J. Turner and David Mosberger and Larry L. Peterson", Title="Cluster-{C}$^*$: Understanding the Performance Limits", Booktitle="Proceedings of the Scalable High Performance Computing Conference", Pages="", Month=may, Year=1994, File="cluster.ps" ) @TechReport(Pagels94tr, Author="Michael A. Pagels and Peter Druschel and Larry L. Peterson", Title="Analysis of Cache and {TLB} Effectiveness in Processing Network {I/O}", Number="94-08", Institution=uacs, Month=mar, Year=1994, File="cache.ps" ) @TechReport(Mosberger94tr, Author="David Mosberger and Peter Druschel and Larry L. Peterson", Title="Fast and General Software Solution to Mutual Exclusion on Uniprocessors", Number="94-07", Institution=uacs, Month=mar, Year=1994, File="lfs.ps" ) @inproceedings{ahn:vegas, author = "J. S. Ahn and P. Danzig and Z. Liu and L. Yan", title = "{Evaluation of {TCP} {Vegas}: Emulation and {Experiment}}", year = "1995", month = aug, pages= "185-195", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1995 SIGCOMM Conference", location="Folder I" }