@unpublished{andrew:unix_history, title= "Notes on the History of UNIX", author="andrew@mulga", year= 1984, note= "From andrew@mulga, published in several AUUGNs. Details please." } @incollection{anon:7th_ed_UNIX, title= "7th Edition UNIX", author= "Unknown", booktitle= "UNIX Programmer's Manual, Vol. 2", publisher= "Western Electric", month= Jan, year= 1979, edition= 7 } @article{att:UNIX_Trademark, title= "Use of the Trademark UNIX", author= "Unknown", journal= "\$ echo", month= jul, year= 1984 } @incollection{dmr:C_Prog_Lang, title= "The C Programming Language --- Reference Manual", author= "D. Ritchie", booktitle= "UNIX Programmer's Manual, Vol. 2", publisher= "Western Electric", year= 1978, edition= 7 } @incollection{dmr:On_UNIX_Sec, title= "On The Security of UNIX", author= "D. Ritchie", booktitle= "UNIX Programmer's Manual, Vol. 2", publisher= "Western Electric", month= Jan, year= 1979, edition= 7 } @incollection{dmr:UNIX_IO, title= "The UNIX I/O System", author= "D. Ritchie", booktitle= "UNIX Programmer's Manual, Vol. 2", publisher= "Western Electric", month= Jan, year= 1979, edition= 7 } @article{dmrken:UNIX_cacm, title= "The UNIX Time-Sharing System", author= "D. Ritchie and K. Thompson", journal= "Communications of the ACM", year= 1974, month= Jul } @incollection{hal:regen_UNIX, title= "Regenerating System Software", author= "C. Haley", booktitle= "UNIX Programmer's Manual, Vol. 2", publisher= "Western Electric", month= Jan, year= 1979, edition= 7 } @incollection{halken:Setup_UNIX, title= "Setting up UNIX", author= "C. Haley and K. Thompson", booktitle= "UNIX Programmer's Manual, Vol. 2", publisher= "Western Electric", month= Jan, year= 1979, edition= 7 } @inproceedings{honeydanber:Loving_UUCP, title= "Loving UUCP, or How I Spent My Summer Vacation", author= "P. Honeyman and D. Nowitz and B. Redman", booktitle= "Proceedings of UniForum", year= 1984, note= "Sketchy. More details please." } @incollection{ken:UNIX_Implem, title= "UNIX Implementation", author= "K. Thompson", booktitle= "UNIX Programmer's Manual, Vol. 2", publisher= "Western Electric", month= Jan, year= 1979, edition= 7 } @incollection{morris:Passwd_Sec, title= "Password Security: A Case History", author= "R. Morris", booktitle= "UNIX Programmer's Manual, Vol. 2", publisher= "Western Electric", month= Jan, year= 1979, edition= 7 } @inproceedings{odell:BSD_After_4.2, title= "Berkeley UNIX After 4.2BSD", author= "M. O'Dell", booktitle= "Proceedings of Toronto USENIX", year= 1983, note= "Sketchy. More details please." } @unpublished{pike:UNIX_Trivia, title= "UNIX Trivia Quiz", author= "R. Pike", note= "Handed out at the Salt Lake Conference, 1984." } @unpublished{redparse:Behind_UNIX, title= "Behind Every Binary Licence is the UNIX Heritage", author= "B. Redman and P. Parseghian", note= "Even more sketchy! Where did this come from?" } @inproceedings{tannenbaum:UNIX_get_here, title= "How Did UNIX Get Here?", author= "A. Tannenbaum", booktitle= "Proceedings of UniForum", year= 1984, note= "Sketchy. More details please." }