% Miscellaneous, try to classify these, Warren! @misc{cheswick:secgateway, author= "B. Cheswick", title= "{The Design of a Secure Internet Gateway}", note= "From AT\&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey" } @misc{iso:3309, author= "{ISO~3309}", title= "{Data communication --- High-level data link control procedures --- Frame structure}", } @misc{morris:tcpweakness, author= "R. T. Morris", title= "{A Weakness in the 4.2BSD Unix TCP/IP Software}", note= "Ftp'd from {\tt research.att.com}.", year= 1985, location= "Folder NS" } @misc{bates:cidr-report, author="T. Bates", title= "{The Cidr Report}", note= "URL\\http://www.employees.org/\verb+~+tbates/cidr.plot.html", year= 1998 } @misc{stanford:frwkshop, author="U. Stanford", title= "{Stanford University Workshop on Fast Routing and Switching}", note= "URL http://tiny-tera.stanford.edu/Workshop\_Dec96/", year= 1996 }