% Journal papers, but NOT conference papers @article{aronoff:tlperftools, author= "R. Aronoff and K. Mills and M. Wheatley", title= "{Transport Layer Performance Tools and Measurement}", journal= "IEEE Network", year= {1987}, pages= "21-31", month= jul, volume= 1, number= 3, location= "Folder TA" } @article{bellovin:pktsfound, author= "S. M. Bellovin", title= "{Packets Found on an Internet}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1993}, month= jul, volume= 23, number= 3, pages= "26-31", location= "Folder I" } @article{bellovin:tcpsecurity, author= "S. M. Bellovin", title= "{Security Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1989}, volume= 19, number= 2, pages= "32-48", month= apr, location= "Folder NS" } @article{biersack:gigabellcore, author= "E. W. Biersack and C. J. Cotton and D. E. Feldmeister and A. J. McAuley and W. D. Sincoskie", title= "{Gigabit Networking Research at Bellcore}", journal= "IEEE Network Magazine", year= {1992}, pages= "42-48", month= mar, location= "Folder H" } @article{birrel:rpc, author= "A. Birrel and B. Nelson", title= "{Implementing Remote Procedure Calls}", journal= "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year= {1984}, pages= "39-59", month= feb, volume= 2, number= 1, location= "Folder D" } @article{carpenter:wheregiga, author= "B. E. Carpenter and L. H. Landweber and R. Tirler", title= "{Where are we with Gigabits?}", journal= "IEEE Network Magazine", year= {1992}, pages= "10-13", month= mar, location= "Folder H" } @article{cheriton:vmtptr, author= "D. Cheriton and C. William\-son", title= "{VMTP as the Transport Layer for High-Performance Distributed Systems}", journal= "IEEE Communications Magazine", year= {1989}, pages= "37-44", month= jun, location= "Folder T" } @article{clark:tcpover, author= "D. Clark and V. Jacobson and J. Romkey and H. Salwen", title= "{An Analysis of TCP Processing Overhead}", journal= "IEEE Communications Magazine", year= {1989}, pages= "23-29", month= jun, location= "Folder T" } @article{comer:megabit, author= "M. H. Comer and M. W. Condry and S. Cattanach and R. Campbell", title= "{Getting the Most for Your Megabit}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1991}, month= jul, pages= "5-12", location= "Folder H" } @article{wang:tahoeloss, author= "Z. Wang and J. Crowcroft", title= "{Eliminating Periodic Packet Loss in the 4.3-Tahoe BSD TCP Congestion Control Algorithm}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1981}, volume=11, number=1, month= jan, pages= "9-16", location= "Folder F" } @article{wang:tri-s, author= "Z. Wang and J. Crowcroft", title= "{A New Congestion Control Scheme: Slow Start and Search (Tri-S)}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1991}, month= jan, pages= "32-43", volume=21, number=1, location= "Folder F" } @article{davin:simqueue, author= "J. R. Davin and A. T. Heybey", title= "{A Simulation Study of Fair Queueing and Policy Enforcement}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1990}, month= oct, volume= 20, number= 5, pages= "23-29", location= "Folder C" } @article{deering:multiroute, author= "S. Deering and D. Cheriton", title= "{Multicast Routing in Datagram Networks and Extended LANs}", journal= "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 8, No. 2", year= {1990}, pages= "85-110", month= may, location= "Folder M" } @article{doer:lwtpsurvey, author= "W. A. Doeringer and D. Dykeman and M. Kaiserwerth and B. W. Meister and H. Rudin and R. William\-son", title= "{A Survey of Light-Weight Transport Protocols for High-Speed Networks}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Communications", year= {1990}, pages= "2025-2039", month= nov, volume= 38, number= 11, location= "Folder T" } @article{flet:crc32, author="J. Fletcher", title="{An Arithmetic Checksum for Serial Transmissions}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Communications", year={1982}, volume= 30, number= 1, pages="247-252", month=jan } @article{doshi:errperf, author= "B. T. Doshi and P. K. Johri and A. Netravali and K. Sabnani", title= "{Error and Flow Control Performance of a High Speed Protocol}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Communications", year= {1993}, pages= "471-477", month= may, volume= 41, number= 5, location= "Folder T" } @article{eldridge:ratecontrols, author= "C. A Eldridge", title= "{Rate Controls in Standard Transport Layer Protocols}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1992}, month= jul, pages= "106-120", volume= 22, number= 3, location= "Folder F" } @article{fantacci:qanalysis, author= "R. Fantacci", title= "{Throughput Efficiency and Queueing Analysis of Generalised Stop-and-Wait ARQ Protocols}", journal= "IEEE Proceedings", year= {1992}, month= jun, pages= "251-257", organisation= ieee, publisher= ieee, volume= 139, number= 3, location= "Folder F" } @article{finn:conalg, author= "G. Finn", title= "{A Connectionless Congestion Control Algorithm}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1989}, month= oct, pages= "12-31", location= "Folder C" } @article{floyd:phase, author= "S. Floyd and V. Jacobson", title= "{Traffic Phase Effects in Packet-Switched Networks}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1991}, month= apr, pages= "26-42", volume= 21, number= 2, location= "Folder C" } @article{folts:ositut, author= "H. C. Folts", title= "{A Tutorial on the Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model}", journal= "Open Systems Data Transfer", year= {1982}, pages= "2-21", month= jun, location= "Folder MN" } @article{green:opticlesson, author= "P. E. Green", title= "{An All-Optical Computer Network: Lessons Learned}", journal= "IEEE Network Magazine", year= {1992}, pages= "56-60", month= mar, location="Folder H" } @article{haas:adapt, author= "Z. Haas", title= "{Adaptive Admission Congestion Control}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1991}, volume= 21, number= 5, month= oct, pages= "58-76", location="Folder CR" } @article{hughes:gatemulti, author= "L. Hughes", title= "{Gateways Designs for Internetwork Multicast Communication}", journal= "Computer Communications", year= {1989}, pages= "123-130", month= jun, volume= 12, number= 3, } @article{hughes:multiresp, author= "L. Hughes", title= "{Multicast Response Handling Taxonomy}", journal= "Computer Communications", year= {1989}, pages= "39-46", month= feb, volume= 12, number= 1, location= "Folder M" } @article{jacob:switchsurvey, author= "A. R. Jacob", title= "{A Survey of Fast Packet Switches}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1990}, month= jan, pages= "54-64", location= "Folder H" } @article{jain:congcontrol, author= "R. Jain", title= "{Congestion Control in Computer Networks: Issues and Trends}", journal= "IEEE Network Magazine", year= {1990}, volume= 4, number= 3, pages= "24-30", month= may, location= "Folder C2" } @article{kaashoek:acmflip, author= "M. Frans Kaashoek and Robbert van Renesse and Hans van Staveren and Andrew S. Tanenbaum", title= "{FLIP: An Internetwork Protocol for Supporting Distributed Systems}", journal= "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year= {1993}, month= feb, pages= "73-106", volume= 11, number= 1, location= "Folder N" } @article{kahn:packetradio, author= "P. R. Kahn and H. E. Price and R. J. Diersing", title= "{Packet Radio in the Amateur Service}", journal= "IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications", year= {1985}, month= may, volume= 3, number= 5, note="In folder A" } @unpublished{kana:flowconp, author= "H. Kanakia and S. Keshav and P. P. Mishra", title= "{A Comparison of Reactive Host-based Flow Control Schemes in Reservationless Networks}", location= "Folder F" } @article{kaniyil:inbuf, author= "J. Kaniyil and Y. Onozato and K. Katayama and S. Noguchi", title= "{Input Buffer Limiting: Behavior Analysis of a Node Throughout the Range of Blocking Probabilities}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Communications", year= {1991}, pages= "1813-1821", month= dec, volume= 39, number= 12, location="Folder CR" } @article{laporta:hispeedtrans, author= "La Porta, T. F. and M. Schwartz", title= "{Architectures, Features, and Implementation of High-Speed Transport Protocols}", journal= "IEEE Network Magazine", year= {1991}, pages= "14-22", month= may, location="Folder T" } @article{laporta:multistream, author= "T. F. La Porta and M. Schwartz", title= "{The MultiStream Protocol: A Highly Flexible High-Speed Transport Protocol}", journal= "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications", year= {1993}, month= may, pages= "519-530", volume= 11, number= 4, location="Folder T" } @article{nagle:infpacket, author= "J. Nagle", title= "{On Packet Switches with Infinite Storage}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Communications", year= {1987}, pages= "435-438", month= apr, volume= 35, number= 4, location= "Folder C" } @article{paliwoda:multitrans, author= "K. Paliwoda", title= "{Transactions Involving Multicast}", journal= "Computer Communications", year= {1989}, pages= "313-318", month= dec, volume= 11, number= 6, location= "Folder M" } @article{part:howslow, author= "C. Partridge", title= "{How Slow is One Gigabit Per Second?}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1990}, month= jan, pages= "44-53", location= "Folder H" } @article{rama:binaryfeed, author= "K. K. Ramakrishnan and R. Jain", title= "{A Binary Feedback Scheme for Congestion Avoidance in Computer Networks}", journal= "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year= {1990}, month= may, pages= "158-181", volume= 8, number= 2, location= "Folder C2" } @article{robin:bbncongest, author= "J. Robinson and D. Friedman and M. Steenstrup", title= "{Congestion Control in BBN Packet-Switched Networks}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1990}, month= jan, volume=20, number=1, pages= "76-90", location= "Folder C" } @article{rose:qbit, author= "O. Rose", title= "{The Q-Bit Scheme}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1992}, month= apr, pages= "29-42", volume= 22, number= 2, location="Folder C2" } @article{sanders:xtp, author= "R. M. Sanders and A. C. Weaver", title= "{The Xpress Transfer Protocol (XTP) --- A Tutorial}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1990}, month= oct, pages= "67-80", location="Folder T" } @article{schmidt:internettraffic, author= "A. Schmidt and R. Campbell", title= "{Internet Protocol Traffic Analysis with Applications for ATM Switch Design}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1993}, month= apr, volume= 23, number= 2, pages= "39-52", location= "Folder TA" } @article{shenker:dynobserve, author= "S. Shenker and L. Zhang and D. Clark", title= "{Some Observations on the Dynamics of a Congestion Control Algorithm}", journal= "Computer Communication Review", year= {1990}, month= oct, pages= "30-39", location= "Folder F" } @article{sidi:inratereg, author= "M. Sidi and W. Liu and I. Cidon and I. Gopal", title= "{Congestion Control Through Input Rate Regulation}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Communications", year= {1993}, pages= "471-477", month= mar, volume= 41, number= 3, location= "Folder T" } @article{vakil:onatmcong, author= "F. Vakil and H. Saito", title= "{On Congestion Control in ATM Networks}", journal= "IEEE Lightwave Telecommunications Systems", year= {1991}, month= aug, pages= "55-65", volume= 2, number= 3, location="Folder CR" } @article{voydock:secnetwork, author= "V. L. Voydock and S. T. Kent", title= "{Security Mechanisms in High-Level Network Protocols}", journal= "ACM Computing Surveys", year= {1983}, pages= "135-171", month= jun, volume= 15, number= 2, location="Folder NS" } @article{wumark:discbucket, author= "Guo-Liang Wu and Jon Mark", title= "{Discrete Time Analysis of Leaky-bucket Congestion Control}", journal= "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems", year= {1993}, month= sep, pages= "79-94", volume= 26, number= 1, location="Folder CR" } @article{zhang:virtclock, author= "L. Zhang", title= "{VirtualClock: A New Traffic Control Algorithm For Packet-Switched Networks}", journal= "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year= {1991}, month= may, pages= "101-124", volume= 9, number= 2, location= "Folder C" } @article{oshaki:atmratecong, author= "H. Oshaki and M. Murata and H. Suzuki and C. Ikeda and H. 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Kleinrock", title= "{The Latency/Bandwidth Tradeoff on Gigabit Networks}", journal= "IEEE Communications Magazine", year= {1992}, pages= "36-40", month= apr, location= "Folder H" } @article{watson:hangman, author= "G. Watson and S. Ooi and D. Skellern and D. Cunningham", title= "{HANGMAN Gb/s Network}", journal= "IEEE Network", year= {1992}, pages= "10-18", month= jul, location= "Folder H" } @article{meleis:bottle, author= "H. E. Meleis and D. N. Serpanos", title= "{Designing Communication Subsystems for High-Speed Networks}", journal= "IEEE Network", year= {1992}, pages= "40-46", month= jul, location= "Folder H" } @article{pei:siliconroutes, author= "T. Pei and C. Zukowski", title= "{Putting Routing Tables in Silicon}", journal= "IEEE Network", year= {1992}, pages= "42-50", month= jan, location= "Folder H" } @article{crowcroft:badlayer, author= "J. Crowcroft and I. Wakeman and Z. Whang and D. Sirovica", title= "{Is Layering Harmful?}", journal= "IEEE Network", year= {1992}, pages= "20-24", month= jan, location= "Folder I" } @article{spriggs:netnumbers, author= "S. Spriggs", title= "{Networking by Numbers}", journal= "LAN Magazine", year= {1992}, pages= "24-24", month= aug, location= "Folder MN" } @article{partridge:fastudp, author= "C. Partridge", title= "{A Faster UDP}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Networking", year= {1993}, pages= "429-439", month= aug, volume= 1, number= 4, location= "Folder I" } @article{lofti:congestnode, author= "L. Benmohamed and S. M. Meerkov", title= "{Feedback Control of Congestion in Packet Switched Networks: The Case of a Single Congested Node}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Networking", year= {1993}, pages= "693-707", month= dec, volume= 1, number= 6, location= "Folder C2" } @article{escobar:flowsynch, author= "J. Escobar and C. Partridge", title= "{Flow Synchronisation Protocol}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Networking", year= {1994}, pages= "111-121", month= apr, volume= 2, number= 2, location= "Folder F" } @article{paxson:empirtcp, author= "V. Paxson", title= "{Empirically Derived Analytic Models of Wide-Area TCP Connections}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Networking", year= {1994}, pages= "316-336", month= aug, volume= 2, number= 4, location= "Folder F" } @article{holz:valgs, author= "G. J. Holzmann", title= "{Algorithms for Automated Protocol Verification}", journal= "AT\&T Technical Journal", year= {1990}, month= jan, volume= 69, number= 1, pages= "32-44" } @article{cerf:pni, author= "V. Cerf and R. Kahn", title= "{A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunications}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Communications", year= {1974}, month= may, volume= 22, number= 5, pages="637-648" } @article{mishra:hopbyhop, author= "P. P. Mishra and H. Kanakia and S. K. Tripathi", title= "{On Hop-by-Hop Rate-Based Congestion Control}", journal= "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking", year= {1996}, month= apr, volume= 4, number= 2, pages="224-239", location="Folder C2" } @article{holz:modelspin, author= "G. Holzmann", title= "{The Model Checker Spin}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", year= {1997}, month= may, volume= 23, number= 5, pages="279-295" } @article{paxon:empirtcp, author= "V. Paxon", title= "{Empirically Derived Analytic Models of Wide-Area TCP Connection}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Networking", year= {1994}, month= aug, volume= 2, number= 4, pages="316-336", location="Folder F" } @article{dymond:networkof, author= "J. Dymond", title= "{Network by Numbers}", journal= "LAN Magazine", year= {1992}, month= aug, pages="24-34", location="Folder MN" } @article{stall:ipv6, author= "W. Stallings", title= "{IPv6: The New Internet Protocol}", journal= "IEEE Communications Magazine", year= {1996}, volume=34, number=7, month= jul, pages="96-108", location="Folder I" } @article{fendick:abreval, author= "K. W. Fendick", title= "{Evolution of Controls for the Available Bit Rate Service}", journal= "IEEE Communications Magazine", year= {1996}, month= nov, pages="35-39", location="Folder A" } @article{arulam:fairabr, author= "A. Arulambalam and X. Chen", title= "{Allocating Fair rates for Available Bit Rate Service in ATM Networks}", journal= "IEEE Communications Magazine", year= {1996}, month= nov, pages="92-100", location="Folder A" } @article{gaiti:coop, author= "D. Ga\:iti and N. Boukhatem", title= "{Cooperative Congestion Control Schemes in ATM Networks}", journal= "IEEE Communications Magazine", year= {1996}, month= nov, pages="102-110", location="Folder A" } @article{kumar:perflow, author= "K. Bharath-Kumar and J. M. Jaffe", title= "{A New Approach to Performance-Oriented Flow Control}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Communications", year= {1981}, month= apr, volume= 29, number= 4, pages="427-435", location="Folder F" } @article{jaffe:bottleflow, author= "J. M. Jaffe", title= "{Bottleneck Flow Control}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Communications", year= {1981}, month= jul, volume= 29, number= 7, pages="954-962", location="Folder F" } @article{ananda:srdtp, author= "A. L. Ananda and B. H. Tay and E. K. Koh", title= "{SRDTP: A Reliable Datagram Transport Protocol for Distributed Computing}", journal= "Computer Communications", year= {1993}, month= apr, volume= 16, number= 4, pages="241-249", location="Folder T2" } @article{davis:permits, author= "D. W. Davis", title= "{The Control of Congestion in Packet-Switching Networks}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Communications", year= {1972}, month= jun, volume= 20, number= 6, pages="547-550" } @article{schwartz:sna, author= "M. Schwartz", title= "{Performance Analysis of the SNA Route Pacing Control}", journal= "IEEE Transactions on Communications", year= {1982}, month= jan, volume= 30, number= 1, pages="172-184", } @article{turner:leakybucket, author= "J. Turner", title= "{New Directions in Communications}", journal= "IEEE Communications Magazine", year= {1986}, month= oct, volume= 24, number= 10, pages="8-15" } @article{newman:becn, author= "P. Newman", title= "{Traffic Management for ATM Local Area Networks}", journal= "IEEE Communications Magazine", volume= 32, number= 8, year= {1994}, month= aug, pages="44-50", } @article{burnett:preserve, author= "M. Burnett and R. Supnik", title= "{Preserving Computing's Past: Restoration and Simulation}", journal= "Digital Technical Journal", year= {1996}, pages="23-38", } @article{jain:atmccsurvey, author= "R. Jain", title= "{Congestion Control and Traffic Management in ATM Networks: Recent Advances and a Survey}", journal= "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems", volume= 28, number= 13, month= oct, year= 1996, pages= "1723-1738", location= "Folder C2" } @article{morrison:patricia, author= "D. Morrison", title= "{PATRICIA -- Practical Algorithm to Retrieve Information Coded In Alfanumeric}", journal= "Journal of the ACM", volume= 15, number= 4, month= oct, year= 1968, pages= "514-534" }