% Conference papers, but NOT journal papers @string{sigcom86= "Proceedings of the 1986 SIGCOMM Conference"} @string{sigcom87= "Proceedings of the 1987 SIGCOMM Conference"} @string{sigcom88= "Proceedings of the 1988 SIGCOMM Conference"} @string{sigcom89= "Proceedings of the 1989 SIGCOMM Conference"} @string{sigcom90= "Proceedings of the 1990 SIGCOMM Conference"} @string{sigcom91= "Proceedings of the 1991 SIGCOMM Conference"} @string{sigcom92= "Proceedings of the 1992 SIGCOMM Conference"} @string{sigcom94= "Proceedings of the 1994 SIGCOMM Conference"} @string{sigcom96= "Proceedings of the 1996 SIGCOMM Conference"} @string{sigcom97= "Proceedings of the 1997 SIGCOMM Conference"} @inproceedings{boggs:ethermyth, author= "D. R. Boggs and J. C. Mogul and C. A. Kent", title= "{Measured Capacity of an Ethernet: Myths and Reality}", booktitle= sigcom88, year= {1988}, month= aug, pages= "222-234", location= "Folder L" } @inproceedings{bouv:decenflow, author= "A. D. Bouvopolous and A. A. Lazar", title= "{Decentralised Network Flow Control}", booktitle= iccc90, year= {1990}, month= nov, pages= "139-143", } @inproceedings{bux:imprdatalink, author= "W. Bux and P. Kermani and W. Kleinoder", title= "{Performance of an Improved Data Link Control Protocol}", booktitle= iccc90, year= {1990}, month= nov, pages= "251-257", location= "Folder L" } @inproceedings{chep:cnc85, author= "M. Chepponis K3MC and P. Karn KA9Q", title= "{The KISS TNC: A Simple Host-to-TNC Communication Protocol}", booktitle= "Proceedings of the 1995 ARRL Amateur Radio Computer Networking Conference", year= {1985}, organization= "Amateur Radio Relay League", month= sep, } @inproceedings{cheriton:recursRPC, author= "D. R. Cheriton", title= "{Exploiting Recursion to Simplify RPC Communication Architectures}", booktitle= sigcom88, year= {1988}, month= aug, pages= "76-87", location= "Folder D" } @inproceedings{cheriton:vcmtp, author= "D. Cheriton", title= "{VMTP: A Transport Protocol for the Next Generation of Communication Systems}", booktitle= sigcom86, year= {1986}, month= aug, pages= "406-415", location= "Folder T" } @inproceedings{clark:netblt, author= "D. Clark and M. Lambert and L. Zhang", title= "{NETBLT: A High Throughput Transport Protocol}", booktitle= sigcom87, year= {1987}, month= aug, pages= "353-359", location= "Folder T" } @inproceedings{clark:tcpdesign, author= "D. D. Clark", title= "{The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols}", booktitle= sigcom88, year= {1988}, month= aug, pages= "106-114", location= "Folder I" } @inproceedings{cohen:queryprot, author= "R. Cohen and A. Segall", title= "{A Distributed Query Protocol for High-Speed Networks}", booktitle= iccc90, year= {1990}, month= nov, pages= "299-302", location= "Folder L" } @inproceedings{croft:multitrans, author= "J. Crowcroft and K. Paliwoda", title= "{A Multicast Transport Protocol}", booktitle= sigcom88, year= {1988}, month= aug, pages= "247-256", location= "Folder M" } @inproceedings{deering:multicast, author= "S. E. Deering", title= "{Multicast Routing in Internetworks and Extended LANs}", booktitle= sigcom88, year= {1988}, month= aug, pages= "55-64", } @inproceedings{doug:snmpshell, author= "D. Ray", title= "{Progress Towards an Interactive SNMP Shell}", booktitle= "NOTYET", year= {1991}, month= nov, note= "Held in Hobart, Australia" } @inproceedings{econ:optroute, author= "A. A. Economides and J. A. Silvester", title= "{Optimal Routing in a Network with Unreliable Links}", booktitle= "Proceedings of the 1988 Computer Networking Symposium", year= {1988}, organization= "The Computer Society of the IEEE", month= apr, pages= "288-297", location= "Folder RO" } @inproceedings{erramilli:multi, author= "A. Erramilli and R. Singh", title= "{A Reliable and Efficient Multicast Protocol for Broadband Broadcast Networks}", booktitle= sigcom87, year= {1987}, month= aug, pages= "343-352", location= "Folder M" } @inproceedings{fendick:rateanal, author= "K. W. Fendick and M. A. Rodruigues and A. Weiss", title= "{Analysis of a Rate-Based Control Strategy with Delayed Feedback}", booktitle= sigcom92, year= {1992}, month= sep, pages= "136-147", location= "Folder C" } @inproceedings{fleisch:locusipc, author= "B. D. Fleisch", title= "{Distributed System V IPC in LOCUS}", booktitle= sigcom86, year= {1986}, month= aug, pages= "386-396", location= "Folder D" } @inproceedings{francis:etherftp, author= "S. Francis and V. S. Frost and D. L. Soldan", title= "{Measured Ethernet Performance for Multiple Large File Transfers}", booktitle= lcs14, year= {1989}, month= oct, pages= "323-327", location= "Folder TA" } @inproceedings{goscinski:etfarrdp, author= "A. Goscinski and W. Toomey", title= "{A Fast and Reliable Transport Protocol for Real-Time Distributed Systems}", booktitle= "Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE Workshop on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation", year= {1992}, month= aug, pages= "417-422", note= "Held in Melbourne, Australia" } @inproceedings{haas:hops, author= "Z. Haas", title= "{A Communication Architecture for High-Speed Networking}", booktitle= "Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOMM Conference, 1990", year= {1990} } @inproceedings{jacobson:congestion, author= "V. Jacobson", title= "{Congestion Avoidance and Control}", booktitle= sigcom88, year= {1988}, month= aug, pages= "314-329", location= "Folder F" } @inproceedings{jain:collfree, author= "P. Jain and S. S. Lam", title= "{Specification and Verification of Collision-Free Broadcast Networks}", booktitle= sigcom88, year= {1988}, month= aug, pages= "282-291", } @inproceedings{jain:congestavoid, author= "R. Jain and K. K. Ramakrishnan", title= "{Congestion Avoidance in Computer Networks with a Connectionless Network Layer: Concepts, Goals and Methodology}", booktitle= "Proceedings of the 1988 Computer Networking Symposium", year= {1988}, month= apr, pages= "134-143", location= "Folder C2" } @inproceedings{jain:transgig, author= "N. Jain and M. Schwartz and T. Bashkow", title= "{Transport Protocol Processing at Gbps Rates}", booktitle= sigcom90, year= {1990}, month= sep, pages= "188-199", location= "Folder T" } @inproceedings{karn:rttestimates, author= "P. Karn and C. Partridge", title= "{Improving Round-Trip Time Estimates in Reliable Transport Protocols}", booktitle= sigcom87, year= {1987}, month= aug, pages= "2-7", location= "Folder F" } @inproceedings{kent:frag, author= "C. Kent and J. Mogul", title= "{Fragmentation Considered Harmful}", booktitle= sigcom87, year= {1987}, month= aug, pages= "390-401", location= "Folder I" } @inproceedings{korb:hetero, author= "J. T. Korb and C. E. Willis", title= "{Command Execution in a Heterogeneous Environment}", booktitle= sigcom86, year= {1986}, month= aug, pages= "68-74", } @inproceedings{lee:rdplan, author= "D. Lee and K. Chon and C. Chung", title= "{A Reliable Datagram Protocol on Local Area Networks}", booktitle= sigcom86, year= {1986}, month= aug, pages= "320-327", location= "Folder T2" } @inproceedings{li:trafcharact, author= "S. Li and J. W. Mark", title= "{Traffic Characterisation for Integrated Services}", booktitle= "Proceedings of IEEE Infocom '88", year= {1988}, organization= "IEEE Computer and Communication Societies", month= mar, pages= "781-790", location= "Folder TA" } @inproceedings{lin:transmodel, author= "H. P. Lin", title= "{Modelling a Transport Layer Protocol Using First-Order Logic}", booktitle= sigcom86, year= {1986}, month= aug, pages= "92-100", } @inproceedings{ludwig:flow, author= "L. Ludwig", title= "{A Threaded/Flow Approach to Service Primitives Architectures}", booktitle= sigcom87, year= {1987}, month= aug, pages= "306-316", } @inproceedings{mankin:randrop, author= "A. Mankin", title= "{Random Drop Congestion Processing}", booktitle= sigcom90, year= {1990}, month= sep, pages= "1-29", location= "Folder C2" } @inproceedings{mills:transpred, author= "K. Mills and M Wheatley and S. Heatley", title= "{Prediction of Transport Protocol Performance through Simulation}", booktitle= sigcom86, year= {1986}, month= aug, pages= "75-83", location= "Folder TA" } @inproceedings{mocka:devdns, author= "P. V. Mockapetris and K. J. Dunlap", title= "{Development of the Domain Name System}", booktitle= sigcom88, year= {1988}, month= aug, pages= "123-133", } @inproceedings{ohta:contrdly, author= "M. Ohta", title= "{Effects of Control Delay and Transmission Delay on Congestion Controls}", booktitle= iccc90, year= {1990}, month= nov, pages= "127-131", location="Folder CR" } @inproceedings{piat:proteng, author= "T. F. Piatkowski", title= "{The State of the Art in Protocol Engineering}", booktitle= sigcom86, year= {1986}, month= aug, pages= "13-16", } @inproceedings{pinakis:rdp, author= "J. Pinakis", title= "{A Reliable Datagram Protocol for Client/Server Interactions}", booktitle= "Proceedings of the AUUG 1990 Conference", year= {1990}, month= sep, pages= "243-255", } @inproceedings{ravindran:reliablecscom, author= "K. Ravindran and S. T. Chanson and K. K. Ramakrishnan", title= "{Reliable Client-Server Communication in Distributed Programs}", year= {1989}, month= oct, pages= "242-251", location= "Folder D" } @inproceedings{rhodos:narosa, author= "A. Goscinski and W. Zhu", title= "{The Development and Performance Study of the RHODOS Reliable Datagram Protocol (RRDP)}", booktitle= "Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Communication", year= {1990}, note= "Held in New Delhi, India", publisher= "Narosa Publishing House" } @inproceedings{rhodos:sedms90, author= "G. W. Gerrity and A. Goscinski and J. Indulska and W. Toomey and W. Zhu", title= "{Can we Study Design Issues of Distributed Operating Systems in a Generalized Way --- RHODOS}", booktitle= "Proceedings of the Symposium on Experiences with Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems II", year= {1990}, month= mar, note= "Held in Atlanta, GA" } @inproceedings{rhodos:sicon91, author= "G. Gerrity and A. Goscinski and J. Indulska and W. Toomey and W. Zhu", title= "{RHODOS --- A Testbed for Studying Design Issues in Distributed Operating Systems}", booktitle= "Proceedings of the 1991 Singapore International Conference on Networks", year= {1991}, organization= "IEEE Singapore Section, Computer Chapter", month= sep, pages= "268-274", location= "Folder D" } @inproceedings{rose:andrew, author= "J. Rosenberg and C. Everhart and N. Borenstein", title= "{An Overview of the Andrew Message System}", booktitle= sigcom87, year= {1987}, month= aug, pages= "99-108", location= "Folder D" } @inproceedings{sabnani:transp, author= "K. Sabnani and A. Netravali", title= "{A High Speed Transport Protocol for Datagram/Virtual Circuit Networks}", booktitle= sigcom89, year= {1989}, month= sep, pages= "146-157", location= "Folder T" } @inproceedings{sansom:capab, author= "R. D. Sansom and D. P. Julin and R. F. Rashid", title= "{Extending a Capability Based System into a Network Environment}", booktitle= sigcom86, year= {1986}, month= aug, pages= "265-274", } @inproceedings{shankar:verwindow, author= "A. U. Shankar", title= "{A Verified Sliding Window Protocol with Variable Flow Control}", booktitle= sigcom86, year= {1986}, month= aug, pages= "84-91", } @inproceedings{sidhu:prototest, author= "D. Sidhu and T. Leung", title= "{Experience with Test Generation for Real Protocols}", booktitle= sigcom88, year= {1988}, month= aug, pages= "257-261", location= "Folder TA" } @inproceedings{song:packettrain, author= "C. Song and L. H. Landweber", title= "{Optimising Bulk Data Transfer Performance: A Packet Train Approach}", booktitle= sigcom88, year= {1988}, month= aug, pages= "134-145", } @inproceedings{toomey:nucleus, author= "W. Toomey and A. Goscinski and G. Gerrity", title= "{The Nucleus --- Microkernel for the RHODOS Distributed Operating System}", booktitle= "Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE Region 10 Conference on Computers, Communication and Automation towards the 21st Century", year= {1992}, month= nov, note= "Held in Melbourne, Australia" } @inproceedings{vandijk:perfdistrtprot, author= "van Dijk, G. J. W. and van der Wal, A. J.", title= "{Performance Measurements of a Communication Protocol Implemented for Distributed Real-Time Systems}", booktitle= lcs14, year= {1989}, month= oct, pages= "307-314", location= "Folder D" } @inproceedings{verissimo:amp, author= "P. Verissimo and Luis Rodrigues and Mario Baptista", title= "{AMp: A Highly Parallel Atomic Multicast Protocol}", booktitle= sigcom89, year= {1989}, month= sep, pages= "83-93", location= "Folder M" } @inproceedings{watson:delta-t, author= "R. W. Watson", title= "{The Delta-t Transport Protocol: Features and Experience}", booktitle= lcs14, year= {1989}, month= oct, pages= "399-407", } @inproceedings{weaver:fastprots, author= "A. C. Weaver", title= "{Thoughts on Fast Protocols}", booktitle= lcs14, year= {1989}, month= oct, pages= "3-4", location= "Folder T" } @inproceedings{weaver:hispeed, author= "A. C. Weaver", title= "{High Speed Communication for Distributed Applications}", booktitle= "Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE Workshop on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation", year= {1992}, month= aug, pages= "412-416", note= "Held in Melbourne, Australia" } @inproceedings{whaley:xtp, author= "A. D. Whaley", title= "{The Xpress Transfer Protocol}", booktitle= lcs14, year= {1989}, month= oct, pages= "408-414", location= "Folder T" } @inproceedings{williamson:lossload, author= "C. L. William\-son and D. R. Cheriton", title= "{Loss-Load Curves: Support for Rate-Based Congestion Control in High-Speed Datagram Networks}", booktitle= sigcom91, year= {1991}, month= sep, pages= "17-28", location= "Folder C" } @inproceedings{wkt:sicon93, author= "W. Toomey", title= "{TRUMP --- A Fast Reliable Transport Protocol for Distributed Systems}", booktitle= "Proceedings of the 1993 Singapore International Conference on Networks", year= {1993}, organization= "IEEE Singapore Section, Computer Chapter", month= sep, pages= "601-605" } @inproceedings{wlliamson:vmtpover, author= "C. L. William\-son and D. R. Cheriton", title= "{An Overview of the VMTP Transport Protocol}", booktitle= lcs14, year= {1989}, month= oct, pages= "415-420", location= "Folder T" } @inproceedings{zhang:tcptimers, author= "L. Zhang", title= "{Why TCP Timers Don't Work Well}", booktitle= sigcom86, year= {1986}, month= aug, pages= "397-405", location= "Folder F" } @inproceedings{zic:hoare, author= "J. Zic", title= "{Extensions to Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes to allow Protocol Performance Specification}", booktitle= sigcom87, year= {1987}, month= aug, pages= "217-227", } @InProceedings{brakmo:tcpvegas, author = "L. S. Brakmo and S. W. O'Malley and L. L. Peterson", title = "{{TCP} Vegas: New Techniques for Congestion Detection and Avoidance}", booktitle = sigcom94, pages = "24--35", month = aug, year = "1994", location= "Folder I" } @inproceedings{demers:fairq, author = "A. Demers and S. Keshav and S. Shenker", title = "{Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm}", booktitle = sigcom89, pages = "1--12", month = sep, year = "1989" } @inproceedings{woodruff:congframe, author = "G. Woodruff and R. Rogers and P. Richards", title = "{A Congestion Control Framework for High-Speed Integrated Packetized Transport}", booktitle = "Proceedings of Globecom, 1988", pages = "203--207", year = "1988", location= "Folder C" } @inproceedings{bellovin:bedragons, author = "S. Bellovin", title = "{There Be Dragons}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd Usenix UNIX Security Symposium", year = "1992", location= "Folder NS" } @inproceedings{toomey:netmonitoring, author = "W. Toomey", title = "{Monitoring Network Connection Attempts on a FreeBSD Server}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1996 Canberra AUUG Summer Conference", year = "1996" } @inproceedings{hellal:vegprobs, author = "O. Ait-Hellal and E. Altman", title = "{Problems in TCP Vegas and TCP Reno}", booktitle = "Congress De Nouvelles Architectures pour les Communications", note= "Held in Paris, France", month= dec, year = "1996", location = "Folder C2" } @inproceedings{hellal:veganal, author = "O. Ait-Hellal and E. Altman", title = "{Analysis of TCP Vegas and TCP Reno}", booktitle = "International Conference on Communications, ICC'97", note= "Held in Montreal, 8-12 June 1997", year = "1997" } @inproceedings{keshav:kkk, author = "Kalmanek and Kanakia and Keshav", title = "{Rate Controlled Servers for Very High Speed Networks}", booktitle = "Proceedings of GlobeCom '90", year = "1990" } @InProceedings{shenk:fairshare, author = "S. Shenker", title = "{Making Greed Work in Networks: {A} Game-Theoretic Analysis of Switch Service Disciplines}", booktitle = sigcom94, pages = "47--57", month = sep, year = "1994", location = "Folder C2" } @inproceedings{paxon:poisfail, author= "V. Paxon and S. Floyd", title= "{Wide-Area Traffic: The Failure of Traffic Modeling}", booktitle= sigcom94, year= {1994}, month= aug, pages= "257-268", location= "Folder I" } @inproceedings{bolot:scale, author= "J. Bolot and T. Turletti and I. Wakeman", title= "{Scalable Feedback Control for Multicast Video Distribution in the Internet}", booktitle= sigcom94, year= {1994}, month= aug, pages= "58-67", location= "Folder M" } @inproceedings{hild:overqnx, author= "D. Hildebrand", title= "{An Architectural Overview of QNX}", booktitle= "Proceedings of the Usenix Workshop on Microkernels \& Other Kernel Architectures", year= {1992}, month= apr, location= "Folder OS" } @inproceedings{jacobson:lwsessions, author= "V. Jacobson and S. McCanne and S. Floyd", title= "{Lightweight Sessions --- A New Architecture for Realtime Applications and Protocols}", booktitle= "Proceedings of Networkshop'93", year= {1993}, month= nov, location= "Folder RT" } @inproceedings{ohsaki:rateatm, author= "H. Ohsaki and M. Murata and H. Suzuki and C. Ideka and H. Miyahara", title= "{Rate-Based Congestion Control for ATM Networks}", booktitle= sigcom96, year= {1996}, month= aug, pages= "60-72", location= "Folder CR" } @inproceedings{maj:ecct, author= "J. C. Majithia and others", title= "{Experiments in Congestion Control Techniques}", booktitle= "Proceedings of the International Symposium on Flow Control in Computer Networks", year= {1979}, month= feb, pages= "211-234", } @inproceedings{ikeda:fecn, author= "C. Ikeda and H. Suzuki", title= "{Adaptive Congestion Control Schemes for ATM LANs}", booktitle= "Proceedings of IEEE Infocom '94", year= {1994}, month= jun, pages= "829-838" } @inproceedings{aspi:oc3, author= "J. Apisdorf and K. Claffy and Kevin Thompson and Rick Wilder", title= "{OC3MON: Flexible, Affordable, High Performance Statistics Collection}", booktitle= "USENIX 10th Systems Administration Conference", year= {1996}, month= sep, pages= "97-112" } @inproceedings{degermark:smalltables, author= "M. Degermark and A. Brodnik and S. Carlsson and S. Pink", title= "{Small Forwarding Tables for Fast Routing Lookups}", booktitle= sigcom97, year= {1997}, month= aug, pages= "3-14", location= "Folder RO" } InProceedings{FarSpa90a, author = "Daniel Farmer and Eugene Spafford", title = "The {COPS} Security Checker System", keywords = "intrusion detection, configuration checking, vulnerability analysis", address = "Anaheim, CA", year = "1990", month = jun, annote = "to request", pages = "165--170", added-at = "Thu Apr 2 13:26:18 1998", abstract = "In the past several years, there have been a large number of published works that have graphically described a wide veriety of security problems particular to UNIX. Without fail, the same problems have been discussed over and over again, describing the problems with SUID (set user ID) programs, improper file permissions, and bad passwords (to name a few).", booktitle = "Proceedings of Summer USENIX Conference", }